Sergey Chernyshov is a visiting researcher at Ruhr University Bochum (Fedor Stepun fellowship).
Research interests - socio-political history of Russia, Siberian studies, anthropology of Russian regions, historical politics and historical memory, local identities, digital humanities.
Since 2017, he has worked at leading universities in Russia - Novosibirsk State University, Tomsk State University, Higher School of Economics, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
In 2018 - researcher at the Russian Academy of Sciences (Institute of History, Siberian Branch). Author of more than 30 scientific articles. Columnist and guest author in leading Russian and European media.
Since 2024 Visiting researcher, Ruhr University Bochum
2019-2024 Senior Researcher, Head of Research Projects, National Research Tomsk State University
2019-2023 Founder, Director, Novocollege
2017-2019 Dean of the Faculty of Further Education, Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management
2018-2019 Researcher, Institute of History Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2017-2018 Associate Professor, Novosibirsk State University
2017 PhD in History, National Research Tomsk State University
2010-2020 Undergraduate and Graduate Studies in History, Education, Management, National Research University Higher School of Economics, National Research Tomsk State University, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
Research Interests: Socio-political History of Russia, Siberian studies, Anthropology of Russian Regions, historical Politics and Historical Memory, Local Identities, Digital Humanities, Siberian Studies, Management and development of education
Sustainable development of territories: socio-political and technological aspects. Ed. by S.A. Chernyshov. Moscow: MITU-MASI, 2018. 168 p.
Historical studies
Chernyshov Sergey A. (2013): Annexation of Western Siberia to the Russian state in the 16th-17th centuries: trade-economic aspect. In: Tomsk State University Journal. № 370. pp. 105–108.
Chernyshov S.A. (2019): Ivan the Terrible – Chinggis Khan’s or Augustus’s Descendant: Legitimization of the Supreme Authority of the Moscow Tsardom in Communication Practices of the 15th–16th centuries. In: Zolotoordynskoe obozrenie=Golden Horde Review. vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 159–174. DOI: 10.22378/2313-6197.2019-7-1.159-174.
Chernyshov, Sergey (2021): Why Siberia is not America: the contexts of the Russian and European territorial expansion in the 15th – 17th centuries. In: Revista Notas Históricas y Geográficas, número 27. pp. 315-330.
Chernyshov S. A. (2021): Reconstruction of the Motives and Goals of the First Colonizers of Siberia Based on the Materials of the Russian Colonization of the Far East. In: Humanitarian Vector. Vol. 16, No. 6. pp. 109–121. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2021-16-6-109-121.
Chernyshov S.A. (2023): Discourses of the “Siberian Chronicles”: The Experience of Digital Corpus Analysis of Texts. Sibirskie Istoricheskie Issledovaniia – Siberian Historical Research. 1. pp. 128–147. doi: 10.17223/2312461X/39/6 (In Russian)
Chernyshov S.A. (2023): Correlation of Moralism and Descriptiveness in the Texts of the Siberian Chronicles (the results of a continuous digital analysis of famous texts). Bulletin of the Research Institute of the Humanities by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia. № 15(1). pp. 62—80. EDN HEABKR
Historical politics and anthropological studies
Chernyshov S.A. (2023) Evolution of Discourses on the Conquest of Siberia in Local Historical Memory. In: Zolotoordynskoe obozrenie=Golden Horde Review. vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 167–180. DOI: 10.22378/2313-6197.2023-11-1.167-180 (In Russian)
Chernyshov S.A. (2023): Political communications and historical politics in premodern communities. Locus: People, Society, Culture, Meanings. Vol. 14. No. 1. pp. 125–141. (In Rus.) DOI: 10.31862/2500-2988-2023-14-1-125-141
Chernyshov S. А. (2023): Stroganov’s "annexation of Siberia" in military-economic and communication practices. In: Series "Humanitarian and Social Sciences", 23(3), 36–46.
Chernyshov S.A. (2023): Imperial and Regional Discourses in Local Practices of Historical Memory on the Accession of Siberia to the Russian State. In: Novoe Proshloe / The New Past. No. 1. Pp. 170–183. DOI 10.18522/2500-3224-2023-1-170-183.
Education studies
Chernyshov S.A. (2021): Massive shift of schools towards distance learning in the estimates of a local pedagogical community. In: The Education and science journal.23(3). Pp. 131-155. (In Russ.)
In the Media
Siberia as an illusion. Historian Sergei Chernyshov – about social abstraction. In Radio Liberty
System error. Sergei Chernyshov - about the death of the empire. In Radio Liberty.
Dr. Damian Bębnowski - historian and economist. Student of prominent Polish economic historians: Prof. Kazimierz Badziak and Prof. Janusz Skodlarski.
Assistant professor at the Department of History of Economics at the University of Lodz, Poland. Vice President of the Board of the Janusz Kurtyka Foundation in Warsaw.
Main scientific interests: contemporary history of Poland and global history (19th–21st centuries), economic history, institutional economics, political, social and economic thought, theory and methodology of humanities and social sciences.
Author of scientific publications in Polish and English.
2024–2025 – Kosciuszko Foundation scholarship (The Kosciuszko Foundation Exchange Program to the United States). Project title: Polish Economics in the USA, 1945–1989. Grant for research in the Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York
2023 – funding of scientific work of young researchers (Faculty of Economics and Society, University of Lodz, Poland). Project title: Ocalić własność socjalistyczną. Pierwszy Urząd Powierniczy (Ur-Treuhandanstalt) w NRD w 1990 r. [To Save a Socialist Property: The First Trust Office (Ur-Treuhandanstalt) in the GDR in 1990]. Grant for query in the Bundesarchiv, Koblenz, Germany
2021 – University of Lodz, Poland, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, PhD studies: Economics. PhD dissertation defended with honour: Znaczenie wybranych instytucji formalnych dla gospodarki Niemiec w latach 1990–2015 [The Importance of Selected Formal Institutions for the German Economy, 1990–2015] (Supervisor: Prof. Janusz Skodlarski). PhD degree in Economics and Finance, specialization: Economic History
2021– Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) scholarship, Cooperations with Universities in Central and Eastern Europe program
2020 – Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) scholarship, PROM program
2018 – target subsidy for young researchers and PhD Students in 2018 (Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland; Faculty of Economics and Society, University of Lodz, Poland). Project title: Home and Exile Polish Economic Historiography, 1945–1989: Poland, Great Britain and the United States
2014 – University of Lodz, Poland, Faculty of Philosophy and History, MA studies graduated with honour: History. MA thesis: Losy czeskich Żydów w łódzkim getcie [The Fate of Czech Jews in the Łódź Ghetto] (Supervisor: Prof. Kazimierz Badziak)
2013–2014 – scholarship of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for achievements
2012 – University of Lodz, Poland, Faculty of Philosophy and History, BA studies graduated with honour: History. BA thesis: Od Listu majestatycznego do defenestracji praskiej. Polityka Habsburgów wobec Czech w latach 1609–1618 [From the Letter of Majesty to the Defenestration of Prague. The Politics of Habsburgs in Bohemia, 1609–1618] (Supervisor: Prof. Jolanta Daszyńska)
The Importance of Constitutional Rules and Property Rights. The German Economy in 1990–2015, Peter Lang Verlag, Berlin 2022, pp. 440 (2023, Individual Third Degree Award of the Rector of the University of Lodz for Scientific and Research Achievements in 2022).
The Katyń Massacre. Current Research, eds. D. Bębnowski, F. Musiał, The Institute of National Remembrance, The Janusz Kurtyka Foundation, Warsaw–Cracow 2020, pp. 240.
Udział polskich delegacji w Światowych Kongresach Historii Gospodarczej w latach 1990–2022, "Roczniki Dziejów Społecznych i Gospodarczych" 2023, Vol. 85, pp. 249–274 (co-author: P. Franaszek).
Globalization of Historiography: The Katyn Massacre in the International Publishing Activity of the Janusz Kurtyka Foundation in Warsaw, 2017–2022, "Wschodni Rocznik Humanistyczny" 2023, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 207–220.
Economic Challenges for Africa in Light of Benedict XVI’s Exhortation Africae Munus, "Catholic Social Science Review" 2023, Vol. 28, pp. 67–79.
On Polish Economic Historiography in Exile, 1945–1989, "Economic History of Developing Regions" 2023, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 198–214.
Sprawozdanie z XIX Światowego Kongresu Historii Gospodarczej, Paryż, 25–29 lipca 2022 r., "Roczniki Dziejów Społecznych i Gospodarczych" 2022, Vol. 84, pp. 355–358.
Sprawozdanie z Przeglądu Przeszłość/Przyszłość 2022 – Sulejówek–Warszawa, 26–28 sierpnia 2022 r., "Wschodni Rocznik Humanistyczny" 2022, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 233–237 (co-author: A. Goszczyński).
Sprawozdanie z międzynarodowego seminarium naukowego "Behind the Iron Curtain", Praga, 1–2 III 2019 r., "Roczniki Dziejów Społecznych i Gospodarczych" 2019, Vol. LXXX, pp. 433–436.
Niemcy jako państwo fiskalne w perspektywie instytucjonalnej i historyczno-gospodarczej (1990–2015), "Przegląd Zachodni" 2019, No. 1 (370), pp. 41–58.
Przegląd regulacji praw własności w Polsce w pierwszych miesiącach niepodległości (listopad 1918 – luty 1919), [in:] Społeczny bilans otwarcia polskiej niepodległości w 1918 roku, eds. T. Głowiński, M. Zawadka, Wydawnictwo GAJT, Wrocław 2018, pp. 117–136 (co-author: R. Matera)
Wybrane instytucje włączające w Drugiej Rzeczpospolitej do 1926 roku, "Przegląd Zachodni" 2018, No. 3 (368), pp. 39–55 (co-author: R. Matera).
Wokół przedsiębiorczości katolickiej. Reminiscencje z odczytania Rerum Novarum Leona XIII na nowo, "Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne" 2018, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 197–210.
The Attractiveness of the Project of Practical Methodology and Virtue Epistemology for the Economic History Research, "Annales. Ethics in Economic Life" 2017, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 107–125.
Mundur i ziemia. Casus Witolda Pileckiego jako ziemianina, [in:] Wrocławskie Spotkania z Historią Gospodarczą. Spotkanie XII: W garnizonie i na kwaterze… Wojskowi i cywile. Społeczne i gospodarcze relacje na ziemiach polskich na przestrzeni wieków, eds. R. Klementowski, M. Zawadka, Wydawnictwo GAJT, Wrocław 2017, pp. 131–143.
Kategoria ziemi w świetle wybranych tekstów i przemówień Prymasa Tysiąclecia, [in:] Rola Kościołów w życiu gospodarczym ziem polskich, eds. K. Kowalski, R. Matera, A. Pieczewski, Wydawnictwo UŁ, Łódź 2017, pp. 229–246.
Czy historia jest nauką tylko o przeszłości?, "Transformacje. Pismo Interdyscyplinarne" 2016, No. 1–2 (88–89), pp. 30–44.
Analiza statystyczna wybranych aspektów handlu zagranicznego II Rzeczypospolitej, "Studia z Historii Społeczno-Gospodarczej XIX i XX Wieku" 2016, Vol. XVI, pp. 157–187.
Religia jako instytucja oraz przedmiot badań historyczno-gospodarczych, "Humaniora. Czasopismo Internetowe" 2015, No. 3(11), pp. 85–97.
Atrakcyjność projektu metodologii praktycznej i epistemologii cnoty dla badań historyczno-gospodarczych, "Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym" 2015, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 27–44.
The Social Change in the Marxism’s Interpretation of History, [in:] Vade Nobiscum. Materiały Studenckiego Koła Naukowego Historyków Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Vol. XIII: Bunt, rebelia, rewolucja, strajk. Opór społeczeństwa wobec władzy na przestrzeni dziejów. Skąd przybyliśmy, dokąd zmierzamy? Źródła tożsamości. Gospodarka głupcze!, eds. K. Banaś, R. Stasiak, Łódź 2014, pp. 23–27.
Bilans handlu zagranicznego II Rzeczypospolitej. Próby przezwyciężania kryzysów, [in:] Wiek XX wiekiem kryzysu? Kryzys człowieczeństwa, czyli ludobójstwa w minionym stuleciu, ed. J. Gałuszka, Kraków 2014, pp. 20–32.
Wpływ deportacji Żydów zachodnioeuropejskich na sytuację aprowizacyjną getta łódzkiego w 1941 r. w świetle Kroniki getta łódzkiego, [in:] Rola Żydów w rozwoju gospodarczym ziem polskich, eds. J. Skodlarski, A. Pieczewski, Łódź 2014, pp. 247–263.